Author Guidelines


These should contain only original research findings not previously published or being considered for publication elsewhere. The original articles maximum word count is 4000 words.  Manuscripts should follow the following layout with the following section headings: Title page, Structured Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Limitations, Conclusions, Declarations of Interest, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, Figures (descriptions below).

Title Page should include:
1) The title (not to exceed 20 words)
2) The full list of authors and their academic affiliations (no degrees please)
3) Corresponding author and contact details including email address
4) List of up to 5 keywords separated by semicolons

Structured Abstract should include the following subheadings: Background, Methods, Results and Conclusions. The abstract should not be longer than 200 words.

Introduction should be brief and outline the state of knowledge relevant to the manuscript and why the submitted paper has been performed and which question(s) it has been designed to answer.

Methods should be detailed enough to answer the readers queries as how precisely the work was done. Manuscripts reporting data obtained from research conducted in human subjects must include a statement of assurance in the Methods section of the manuscript that (1) informed consent was obtained from each patient and (2) the study protocol conforms to the ethical guidelines of the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki as reflected in a priori approval by the institution’s human research committee.

Statistical Methods should be in detail, stating different methods used, power calculations (if relevant) and how the authors handled any potential bias in the data acquisition and interpretation.

Results should be presented precisely.

Discussion should be directly related to the study being reported rather than a general review of the topic.

Limitations should be a brief discussion of the weaknesses of the report. 

Conclusions should be a brief discussion of the main signifcance of the paper and its takeaway messages.

Declarations of Interest List all related funding grants for each author and if there are none, append the following statement: "The authors declare no conflicts of interest."

Acknowledgements All funding sources, professional writing services and other significant assistance should be added.  The following statement must also be added at the end of the acknowledgements section:  The authors agree to abide by the requirements of the "Statement of publishing ethics of the TEACH – Journal of Christian Studies (JCS).

References style used by JCS is Vancouver Numbered and should be cited in the text in square brackets like this [1] in the appropriate place in the text. The maximum number of references is 40 for an original article and 80 for a review. They must include Author(s) name(s), journal title/book title, chapter title/article title, year of publication, volume and issue/book chapter and the pagination must be present, all single spaced. The article DOI must be added to the end of each reference if one exits. DOI numbers exist for most papers published since the year 2000. These can be searched for on the following website:  or you can copy the citation into google search and the doi can often be seen on the seaRch result or the journal page or article pdf.

Tables should each be placed on a separate page after the references and be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Provide a short descriptive heading above each table with a legend to the table underneath including an explanation of any footnotes and/or abbreviations.

Figures should ideally be submitted in high-resolution TIF format, or alternatively in GIF, JPEG/JPG, or EPS format. The figures should be placed in separate files, named only with the figure numbers (e.g. “Figure1.tif”.). Please ensure figures have the appropriate resolution: Line art: 1000 dpi Halftones: 300 dpi Combinations: 500 dpi Colour: 300 dpi Colour combinations: 500 dpi. Legends for Figures should be added to the end of the manuscript.


Reviews should have an unstructured abstract of up to 200 words. The Reviews maximum word count is 4000. The abstract should contain a sentence outlining the academic and/or relevance of the manuscript.


Editorials should have an unstructured abstract of up to 200 words, and a maximum of 12 references and 2 figures/tables and a maximum word count of 1500 words.


Letters and brief reports (only accepted as Letters to the Editor) may include up to 1000 words and 10 references. These may have a short highlights section where an abstract would normally be (100 word max) with no sub-headings. If the letter contains original research findings a short description of methods, results and conclusions is required in the text.

Process of submissionJCS is a fully electronic journal. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts online. Step-by-step instructions are available during the submission process. 

Cover Letter and Author Agreement Declarations: Before the article can be considered by the Editorial Office, all authors must sign and upload a letter stating: 1. their role in the article, 2. that they each agree to its submission and 3. that they each consent to their names, emails, contact details and research interests being held by the journal for the sole purpose of the journal's activities and functioning. The letter(s) should be uploaded at the time of submission and ALL authors names and emails must be entered in the Metadata section.

Authorship: All authors (and email address) of the manuscript MUST be entered during the submission process. Every author must agree to the submission of the manuscript and must declare he/she satisfies the international criteria for authorship. ( 

Changes to Authorship: Requests to add or remove an author, or to rearrange the author names, must be sent to the Journal Manager from the corresponding author of the manuscript and must include: (a) the reason the name should be added or removed, or the author names rearranged and (b) written signed confirmation from ALL authors that they agree with the addition, removal or rearrangement. This includes confirmation from the author being added or removed. Publication of an accepted manuscript is suspended until authorship has been agreed.

Language Editing: The language of the JCS is English. JCS welcomes abstracts submitted in the authors native language provided they are checked, to match the English translation, by a reliable body and a proof is submitted. Accepted papers will have their abstracts translated to European languages and published.

After acceptance: Proofs will be sent to the authors to be carefully checked for printer’s errors. Changes or additions to the edited manuscript cannot be allowed at this stage. Corrected proofs should be returned to the publisher within 2 days of receipt.

Scientific integrity: Any doubt about the data, should be reported to the Editorial Office as soon as raised.